Mad Max Catio Phase 3

The Mad Max Catio Continues..

It’s been a minute since I did a Mad Max Catio update!

So, last update left us at the pass through between the shop and the house! We cut a hole in the wall to put a pocket door in so we have access to the shop from inside the bus, but can close it off when we need to. But that’s another project!

Mad Max Catio


Scabbers decided to be in the pic, and we are in the middle of remodel, so it’s a mess 😂

The Tree to The Catio

They needed a way to get up to the pass through, so Zach built a “tree” for them to climb!

Mad Max Catio                     

Zach added a larger platform at the top so the cats had more room to turn around if they need to. He attached some grippy carpet to the top so they could grab on when going up!

We decided to put the cat food area on the top of this location! First, it was a great way to make sure they went up there. Second, our dog, Louie, LOVES cat food 😡


Less Mad Max, More King of the Jungle 😍

From the “Kat Kitchen” they need to traverse over the tree limb to the other side, and either do the same on the second limb or tightrope walk along the bookshelf edge 😂

The boys have the tree part down to a science


Heddy jumps from the kitchen area to the area above the bathroom. We don’t really want them over there, as it’s a storage area for things that don’t need cat hair on them!

However, Heddy is a work in progress, she has been spotted on the tree, but mostly not 🙁

The Mad Max Catio Obstacle Course begins…

And that brings us to the pass through! We plan to put a trap door there so we can prevent them from either side when we need to! Like on days we are parked in a WalMart just to go shop, and don’t want cats escaping. We can close them off in the shop while we unload!

From the house side
From the shop side

To begin, they need to walk along a small beam

then embark onto a larger board (Scabbers has to tummy crawl through this space!)

after that, it’s onto the cabinet inside the shop

And onto the back brow area, where they will find the hole to get into the cabinet!


They do have an alternative route to the top of the brow from inside the shop, and the boys have been seen using it!


Finally, down into the cabinet to the litter box through the shelves.



The litter box belongs in the bottom drawer but we have been acclimating them to the new location a little at a time, and the bottom shelf is it’s last stop before the drawer!

We added a cat door for them to get outside too! It can be kept locked if we don’t want them outside during travel.

Mad Max Catio

This is their path inside the cabinet! It is accessible from the top shelf!

Stay tuned for Video of them traversing the entire obstacle course!!

There are a few things resting against the cabinet that allow them to get down ~ when they finally figure that door thing out 🐱 Clearly we need to work with them more!

There are plans for that area that haven’t been completed yet, so the “rug slide” we are currently using is completely temporary 😹 Obviously!

Our intention is to have the back deck area as clear of items as possible so that we can put some cat play zones out there.

Or maybe just a cat tree 😂

Stay tuned for scenes from the next Mad Max Catio Phase…

Love the hats we wear? Zach makes them! Check out his work here


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