Our Pets
I’ve mentioned our pets here and there in the story, but they are a big part of our lives!
We have 2 dogs ~ Louie and Jemma! And 4 cats ~ Pebbles, Scabbers, Heddy and Phil!
Let’s start with Louie
Also known as ~ Louis, Lou Dog, Ridiculouie, Louis Navidad
I adopted Louie in May of 2020, from a rescue in Lake Fort Worth, Florida! He is about 4 years old!
Next comes Jemma
Also known as ~ Jemma Dilemma, Beetlejuice, the Brown Clown
Zach rescued Jemma from a neighbor who had her tied out, about 2 years ago. (he had permission to take her with him). She is about 3 years old!
Our first kitty, Pebbles … she is the leader of the Cat Pack!
Also known as ~ The Queen, the boss, or anything of the like 🙂
Zach adopted Pebbles when she was a baby. He knew her momma, so he has known Pebbles her whole life
And now for Scabbers .. I only mention him first because he was born first, but Heddy is his sister 🙂
Also Known As ~ Scoober Doo, Oreo, Scoob, Scabber Dabber Doo
I owned his Momma, Milky. So I’ve had Scabbers since birth!
And that brings us to Heddy
Also Known As ~ Hedwig, Muffin, Toupee, Heddylicious
So as with Scabbers, I’ve had Heddy since birth also.
So our last little guy is SUPER new ~ Phil
Also Known As ~ Tiny Bits, Philodendron, Phil in the blank
We just adopted Phil from a fellow nomad, Bob! His cat Smokey is Phil’s momma
So now that you’ve met them, let me tell you more about them as a family of pets.
When Zach and I were headed out on this journey, I had to make a tough decision with Milky, my momma cat.
The Milky Dilemna
First, before I could get her spayed, she got pregnant again. Not a problem really, since I knew we could take care of them and find good homes. The second problem was that there is no way she would have traveled well. I was fearful she would run off and not come back.
What to do…
I knew a woman who absolutely loved Milky, as much as I did! So I reached out to her and told her the situation and she immediately said she would be happy to have Milky come live with her. As much as I love that cat, I knew it was not best to be selfish and to let her live in one location. I cried, a lot. But she gave birth to 5 kittens the day we set out from Florida! Talk about timing!!
So that means that Louie has known Scabbers and Heddy since they were born
He’s like a big brother to them
Jemma and Louie were best friends from the moment they met! There was never a growl or mean word between them!
The Dynamic of Our Pets
Now comes the real test! How do the ALL of the animals get along?? Do they fight or play? Amongst the dogs, the cats, or a mix of cats and dogs fighting??
Nope! Contrary to what most think, they all get along fine ~ despite their species and age differences Well, maybe Pebbles gives the little guys a bit of a rough time, but I think she’s just teaching them!
So here is our crazy mix of pets, clearly having a blast hanging out with each other!
And of course, Our Pets Videos
And now for some rare footage of Scabbers going into Dog Mode (ok, it’s not rare footage, he plays with them all the time, and we video it almost every time!) This cat is ABSOLUTELY safe during this video, in fact, he started the fight 🙂
And Scabbers has been training the new kitten as well! He is such a great big brother!
And a couple of random videos of our pets being themselves!
And after a hard day being our pet, Jemma sums it up the best! Sounds like she is having a good dream
Our pets play a huge role in our lives! We base our stays on where there is safety for them, above all! Our cats like to explore the outdoors, so we need less busy roads, and definitely no predators (there will be times when we can’t guarantee that no predator thing and for that reason, we are building an enclosed catio on the back deck!)
Missed a few parts of the story?? Catch up here!!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Love the hats we wear? Zach makes them! Check out his work here