Heading West For Winter!

Heading West!

You’ve met the pets, and while we love them, it’s time to move on in our Journey! We decided we were heading west for the winter, via a southwest route! Our first stop along the newly formed route was Stillwater, Oklahoma!

And what did we find?


heading west

We found these 2 gems at local body shops (G&M Body Shop), where they were rebuilt after buying them from someone in Thailand!!

Stillwater was a cute town, but we were just there for a quick stop! It was at this point that we made a final decision on where to winter ~ Arizona !!

Roll Out!

We mapped out our route ~ well Zach mapped it out and I found weird stuff to do along the way! It’s how we roll! And I love that about us, obviously!

So we spent some time visiting friends, and exploring Oklahoma! We spent days geocaching, and riding! Well, mostly Zach went riding ~ I’m off electric toys until we get an e-bike for me! I love riding, I just don’t love standing the whole time!

We also worked on yarn storage! My mom sent Zach ALLLLL of her yarn! Three big boxes of it! So Zach hung a trunk organizer from the ceiling at the foot of our bed! It helped a lot!!

heading west

Zach makes some very unique hats! He has a lot on hand, but also likes to do custom orders! Check out some of his work!

Click on any of the photos to check out our Shop!

We ended up spending some time in the Lawton, Oklahoma area visiting a friend of Zach’s. Lot’s of things to do in and around that area, so we were good to spend a few days relaxing and exploring!

Where to Begin?

We set out with the dogs one morning to check out Mount Scott ~ for trail riding, or EUC riding, we never know!

We found the Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge, which is where Mount Scott is located, but there is SO much more!

At this time, we planned on driving up to scope out the route for safety… and much to my dismay, the passenger side view was off the side of the mountain. With very little between me and falling off the side

We finally  made it to the top (it was like a 5 minute ride up but felt like a bit longer!) The dogs wanted to go explore the rocks, so we let them take the lead!

It was beautiful up there! Uninhibited views of the mountains and valleys! The weather was perfect, the dogs were well behaved (as always!) and we had a great time exploring the small trails along the top!

The drive back down was much nicer, since my immediate out the window view was of the mountain itself this time!

Click Me for More Mount Scott Pics!

We were only able to make a quick pitstop in Holy Land!  They were not pet friendly, so we did a drive by picture taking moment! Maybe one day we will get back there and not have our pups!

We also found a really cool tower that we hiked up to check out! Secretly Zach is scoping this all out to see if he can get a EUC up it! I’m wise to his game At the same time, I don’t mind him checking things out before he goes

The Jed Johnson Watchtower

Click on any pic to see more!

Rubber Ducky…are you heading west?

Ok, so this guy wasn’t rubber, but he was a ducky! A HUGE Ducky!  Just randomly there on the side of the road while we were scoping out the trails in Medicine Park! 

He was in pretty bad shape, and if we had the room, he’d have somehow gone home with us! Just not sure where to put him ON the bus, because he sure isn’t fitting IN the bus! So, we left him there, hopefully someone will rescue him soon

We found some beautiful scenery around Medicine Park! 

And I’m still not sure why I didn’t take pictures of the cute Birdhouse Bungalows! Must mean we have to go back!

We’re Still Heading West … Slowly

But first, we had to head out of Oklahoma and into Texas! What kind of things did we find there?  Stay Tuned!!

Love the hats we wear? Zach makes them! Check out his work here

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