Journey into North Carolina

Journey into the mountains 😳

We drove out of Tennessee on some eerily foggy roads, so we didn’t go very far each day, intentionally!

Our first stop was in Mt Airy, NC 

There we found The Whittling Wall! This was an exceptional piece of art! The bricks were laid out perfectly, the grout was placed just perfectly on each figure! And they are depicted after real life people!  Click on the picture to see more of this amazing wall!



So while driving around Mt Airy, we realized that Mayberry was a predominant theme! While researching things to do in the area, Andy Griffith came up multiple times, as did Mayberry! So it’s no surprise we saw this parked on Main Street!

And this mural right around the corner!

It was a very cute town, and one I wouldn’t mind returning to! It wasn’t too crowded, but had lots of things to see and do!

Granite, Granite..Everywhere!

We also happened upon the World’s Largest Granite Quarry! But… we couldn’t do much more than drive by the Main Office 🙁 Which was cool, since it was made entirely out of granite! In fact, the whole town was made of granite! Ok, not the whole town, but a very good portion of it was granite laden!

On our way out of town, this guy seemed content to send us off! I believe at one time, his hand waved! He was parked outside Young Enterprises, but seemed like the whole place was non-functional!

Slow crawling down North Carolina, our next stop was not too far away! We hit Winston-Salem next and found quite a few unique things there! Big things! I know we missed a lot, but it’s been cold and I simply cannot handle the cold! So we do short trips and I save some stuff for us to do the next time around! I usually find 20-30 unique things to do in a 30 mile radius of where we are staying and then narrow it down to 4 or 5 in one day! And those things are dependent on location! I have it down to a pretty decent science so we don’t do a lot of backtracking!

The Journey via Google Maps

My Google Maps is hilarious when I first open it, 7,000 saved places (ok, a bit of an exaggeration, I probably only have 100)! But the flags pop up when I open Maps! I have managed to group them together so that I can look at one specific type of place at a time! Groups like Big Things, Weird Things, Herb Shops, Campgrounds, etc! It really does help when we are looking for something specific to have just those pop up on the map!

The Big Things

So our first big thing was The Big Chair in Thomasville! Now, it’s not the “World’s Largest” Chair, but it’s the World’s Largest Duncan Phyfe Chair! Either way, it’s BIG!

From there we went to check out The World’s Largest Chest of Drawers!

How did we miss this on the Journey ?!?

And SOMEHOW we missed the World’s Largest Highboy Dresser just miles away from the Chest of Drawers!  UGG 🙁

Guess we have to go back through that way now ! 😆 

But we did manage to find an incredibly cool Shell Gas Station on our way back to Winston-Salem!!

Now, it’s no longer in use, but it is definitely worth stopping to check out! Someone clearly cares about this location, because it is very well kept! 


Click the guy in the window to check out all the pics!! He scared me when I peeped in the window !!! Serves me right!😁

Coffee…No Coffee

Our last stop in Winston-Salem was The Mickey Coffee Pot Marker! It looked HUGE in pictures, but when we arrived, it was smaller than we were expecting! I was kinda hoping it was a coffee shop! But, still amazing and a great backstory ! So that makes it way better than a random huge coffee pot!

Click For More Pics!

The Journey Continues!

At this point we headed further south! Our destination is St Augustine, Florida to see my children and help some friends! But that isn’t until the end of March, so we are slow going it! Not sure what we will find on the way, but we are open to whatever comes in our path!

Until Next Time!

Love the hats we wear? Zach makes them! Check out his work here

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